The Charm of Paris is the “Underground”

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes. So is the case of Paris. It’s not easy to make a bet on general issues, but at least one thing I bare to say, that is, the charm of Paris is in its underground–the metro, a place full of wonders and fantasies.

Paris, France --- Art Nouveau Sign for Paris Metro --- Image by © Eye Ubiquitous/Corbis
Paris, France — Art Nouveau Sign for Paris Metro — Image by © Eye Ubiquitous/Corbis

Each time I get on into a “wagon”, even on the most usual and mundane days, things happen: unexpected “actors” with dolls in hands putting on tiny spectacles; singers with a flexible and walking voice box trying to inject beats and tastes into our film-like life. The show is on! I have to admit: if time stops right here, I
would not hate it.


However, what attracts me most comes to the “silence” and “serenity”: another show is going on. Unbelievable one!

The silent quality time does not mean the infinite deep love among the  young couple: not a deep gaze on a girl; not even a long kiss and a charming smile…

Not really, the silence!

Paris Metro

So where does the real charm lie? It’s in the words. The romance o11098612_965730536784247_823707808_n-300x300f lecture as reading a pocket book or a great heavy piece. I am into the “daily chores” and words-built tranquility. Once upon a time, I was lucky enough to be buried in a book and all round me was the sounds of turning the pages, a mobile library! It is the right moment in the metro of Paris, one of the cities with the most rapid rhythm. A city with high speed of life, but the time in the metro, is more for reading. That is Paris’ charm!